Tri-Boro Fencing Contractors, Inc. is an authorized supplier of the COSTARS cooperative purchasing program. PA municipalities, local government units, school districts, and non-profits can now purchase Maintenance, Repair, Operation Equipment & Supplies (“MRO”) from Tri-Boro Fencing Contractors Inc. through the COSTARS program. Take advantage of the best pricing available from a qualified supplier with a proven track record of delivering quality and results by contacting us today!
COSTARS is the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's cooperative purchasing program which enables registered and eligible local public procurement units (LPPUs) and state-affiliated entities (Members) to leverage contracts established by DGS to cost effectively and efficiently identify suppliers with whom to do business. The goals of this program are:
To encourage, expand and facilitate the opportunities for Members to achieve procurement savings and best value through an interactive partnership with the Commonwealth.
To provide increased opportunities for Suppliers of any size to participate and compete for Members' business.
To leverage the purchasing power of more than 7850 local entities, combined with the state to obtain more competitive pricing and choice than individual purchasers might be able to obtain on their own, while eliminating the expensive costs of public bidding procedures..
The Commonwealth Procurement Code provides the statutory authority for Member entities to engage in cooperative purchasing with the Commonwealth. The Procurement Code authorizes DGS to enter into cooperative purchasing contracts solely for the use of its Members. DGS requires eligible LPPUs and state affiliated entities to register as COSTARS members, and only those organizations registered with DGS may purchase from contract.
Member Eligibility Requirements:
The Procurement Code authorizes local public procurement units and state-affiliated entities to participate in certain contracts for supplies and services managed by the Department of General Services (DGS). A "local public procurement unit" is defined as:
Any political subdivision (local government unit), such as a municipality, school district or commission
Any public authority (including authorities formed under the Municipality Authorities Act of 1955 or other authorizing legislation, such as the Public Transportation Law or the Aviation Code)
Any tax-exempt, nonprofit educational institution or organization
Any tax-exempt, nonprofit public health institution or organization
Any nonprofit fire company, rescue company, or ambulance company
Any other entity that spends public funds for the procurement of supplies, services, and construction (such as council of governments or an area government, or an organization that receives public grant funds)
Member ID Number: 008-648 (MRO) Maintenance, Repair, & Operation Equipment & Supplies